Sunday 8 July 2012

Work to 6 th July.

Apart from the work described in the previous six posts which mainly reflects Dave's efforts, I have been finishing sanding and painting.
Most of the ceiling right through, except for the back cabin has now been primered and undercoated.
The ceiling has received it's first top coat of ivory gloss as has the engine room cupboards and panels which are planned to be grained.
Painting which does not involve a change of colour doesn't show on photos so I have not included any.

As of Friday night Dave was making the hatch slides and I was painting ceilings - and myself.
We are still making good progress.


  1. Are you doing a good job of painting yourself?LOL

    Bill Kelleher

    1. Well, Mrs W knows what colours to expect on the boat by looking at the splats on me.
      Painting ceilings, especially with grooves in is asking for this.
