Tuesday 29 March 2011

Internal layout and design

Basically this boat was designed from the outside with 14ft front deck, 44ft 6in cabin and 3ft 6in back deck.
Internally the design we settled on (eventually) would be briefly.

Back cabin 9'
Engine room 7' 6"
Bedroom (X bed) 7'
Bathroom 4'
Galley 6'
Saloon 11'

At this stage I would like to thank those who showed us their boats when we were planning ours.
You can read all the books available and draw plans till you are buried in them but there is no substitute for actually seeing what works in 3-D and benefitting from other's experience.
At this stage it's also worth seeing the ideas which seem to work and indeed work very well for others but are not chosen because your own priorities are different. Where to put the bedroom when you are 6ft and like to spread sideways a bit was the most challenging of these decisions.
To that end thanks to the following:

Dave Moore, nb Resolute - bed pulling out from under tug deck into saloon.
John and Ruth Blundred, nb Zenith - bed in extended back cabin.
Derek and Lesley Flinders, nb Endevour - cross bed (this suited us best)

The 6 ft through galley was chosen to maximise storage space

We like the atmosphere of back cabins and have decided to carry this decorating style right through the boat.
The above photo is of the back cabin in Oslo our previous boat.
Glennys crochetted the blanket on the seat, made the curtains and made the lace decorations along the edges and in the porthole.

The 3 photos above show a friend's boat decorated in this style. Thanks Leon and Ray.
In addition to having a cosy ambience it is relatively inexpensive to produce in the same way that the old boats were of scumbled softwoods to represent oak etc. (ie cheaper than expensive hardwood fit outs)

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